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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cream Slushes....

So I made this goal at the beginning of the year that I would blog once a week. I was going to try to do everyday but lets be honest... We are not exciting enough to put something on here every day!

SOOOO Starting already one week behind I am doing awesome already! HA

The first week of 2012 was pretty much the exact same as the last week of 2011. Brek went to work, I stayed home cleaned our little apartment then did homework and all that fun stuff...

The exciting things of the week were

1. Brek got an Amazon gift card for Christmas and has spent HOURS on Amazon looking at everything because really I think it was burning a hole in his pocket! But he likes to take his time with these things to make sure he gets EXACTLY what he wants. He has wanted a new black watch for a long time, and I was not even going to pretend I was going to buy him one.... This boy of mine is picky! Anyways he found it! And it came the next day! He was so excited!! He opened it up and the thing is massive! haha we had a good laugh for a minute but he really loves it, and I am so happy that he found it!


I pretty much count down to his day off because it is my most favorite day of the week! This week it was Friday. The day really couldn't have been more perfect!  He went grocery shopping with me because I hate going grocery shopping, he made some extra money at work so he took me lunch to celebrate, and then he took me to Breaking Dawn.  We both really liked it... After hearing what everyone said I was a little worried it wouldn't be good but we both have decided we are pretty easily entertained and loved it! Friday was such a good day! Then as always when he goes back to work I get extra bored at home the next day.... He came home and I begged to go get a treat! We headed down the road to get Sonic creme slushes... I LOVE THOSE THINGS!!


Just to surprise anyone that reads this mine is actually the blue one and Breks is the pink.... CRAZY I know but I just love that blue coconut!


He loves it when I make him take pictures if you can't tell... haha once again it is an awesome picture of the both of us! We really need to work on our picture taking skills!!

Sunday is always a great day. I have the best primary class and I can't wait to go each week. I totally lucked out because they moved me up with them so I get my same class for the next year! I was so excited about it! They are hilarious and adorable! Then we come home and make a yummy dinner together and then a few hours later a treat of course, and relax the rest of the day!

That about sums up our week!

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