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Friday, December 14, 2012

Lucie's Day

December 14, 2012 will forever be our Little Lucie's day! And one of the VERY BEST days of my life!

The day really started out the day before when I got the call saying that I got to have the c-section on the 14! I was so excited because I did not want to have to wait a day longer then I had to!

Then we were up way late that night trying to decide her name! haha we really waited until the last second because even then we had it narrowed down to 3 but still no decision.

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39 Weeks

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 They told me that I couldn't eat anything all day for surgery but that I could eat a bowl of cereal at like 6:00 in the morning so I set my alarm. Got up, made me a bowl of cereal, ate it, and then had a big drink of water and that was it for the day! Then went right back to bed because if I didn't get to eat I might as well sleep for a while longer.

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We got up and got ready for the day, and I packed the hospital bag, and got way excited that in just a few hours our little girl would be here!

We hopped in the car, and Brek had to get something to eat because he was getting a headache and was starving. That was torture! I was sooo hungry!

We checked into the hospital at 2:00 did some paperwork, and I got dressed in my beautiful hospital gown, and we waited. They kept telling us that they were moving the time up and were going to do our c-section first, then they would change  their minds and say that we would be last. The whole time we were waiting they were filling me full of fluid and I thought I was going to die I had to go to the bathroom like every 5 seconds! We waited some more and then Dr. Allred came in and said he found out we were having her that day and he wanted to be the one to deliver her so he came up on his day off to do it! It was so nice of him!

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At about 3:45 they were ready for us. I got to be first, and they took me in to the room, and it was kinda creepy that I was going to be awake for this thing. Brek wasn't allowed in the room until I was all prepped and ready, so he was out in the hall and they were giving him his clothes he had to wear. They gave me my spinal and I was ready for this baby girl to be here!

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The whole thing was crazy! I had a curtain in front of me but Brek stood by my head and watched the whole thing. I don't know how he did it. He said it was pretty gross, but kind of like watching an episode of Greys Anatomy in person! Haha

At 4:22 our perfect little Lucie was here! They held her over the curtain so I could see her and she screamed so loud! I got all teary eyed and was sooooo happy! All I wanted to do was hold my baby! My arms were strapped and so Brek held her close to my face for as long as he could before she had to go get all cleaned up. It was all so fast, and perfect. I didn't even have to go through labor!

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I got to stare and cry at how perfect our little girl was, and then they took her back with brek, and they had to stitch me back up. After they were done they took me back to my room, and I had to wait there for what felt like forever until they told me I could go down to my new room. They wheeled me to the elevator, and when we got out there was all my family waiting in the waiting room!

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We got to our room, and the nurse was trying to get everything done so fast that I had to ask if I could hold my baby! haha all I wanted to do was hold her! The nurse was so sweet and felt so bad she handed her right to me, it was a little tricky though because they wouldn't let me sit up at all, and holding your baby laying down is kind of hard. She said she would give us afew minutes before she let anyone come in. So for about 5 perfect minutes it was our little family of 3.

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Then all the family got to come in a meet our sweet little Lucie. My heart was so full! I loved seeing everyone love her so much!

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The rest of the day was kind of a blur. I was on a lot of medicine. A few friends came to see her too, and I remember them coming but I can't remember talking to them. I do know that I was so starving, and they would not let me eat anything but nasty broth and jello because they were worried about the spinal making me sick. Little did they know I had been through it all a few times and I was just fine! I wanted food! ha so Chelsea saved they day and brought me a frosty and french fries that I secretly ate.

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I was so happy! Our little princess was finally here! Seeing Brek with her made my whole heart want to burst! And holding her was like a dream come true. I had been waiting for 9 months for her and having her there was so amazing! I am so grateful to be a family of 3, and for the blessings of the temple to know that she is ours forever!

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I wish I was better at writing so I could explain just how perfect that day was, but one thing I can say over and over and never get tired of saying it is...
We Love you so very much Lucie!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Abby she really is just darling! I love her name too! Good pick :)