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Thursday, December 13, 2012

One Last Night...

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I was lucky enough to get to schedule my due date, and there was absolutely no way I was going to the 21st! I was soo done being pregnant. They would only let me go a week early so Dec 14 was the earliest I could have her delivered. It was my lucky day because they didn't know if I was going to get that day because it wasn't my doctors surgery day, but there was an opening! So Thursday night we set out on one last date before we became official parents!

We decided to go to craigos or Pizza Pie Cafe I guess is what its called now. We had went there a few weeks before and I got this sudden burst of the flu and puked my guts out in the bathroom sink because all the stalls were full. Not the best experience of my life! So I really wanted to give it another go because I LOVE that place!! We ate to our hearts content, then headed over to my parents to watch Vampire Diaries.

It was a low key date, but lets face it we had a really big day ahead of us!

I love you Mr. Tolman, thank you for taking me on one last date before we welcome our baby girl into our little world!

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