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Friday, December 21, 2012

1st Week

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The night we brought her home was one of my most favorite nights in my entire life. The night was so peaceful, and we just snuggled our little baby girl and took tons and tons of pictures! When we put her in her pajamas they were huge! When the twins were little they had some pajamas that had monkeys on them. and ever since then every time anyone has monkey pj's they are called monkey butts. So when she had these I sent the picture over to them and my dad still has the pic for his ipad. She looked adorable in them! We put her in her little bassinet and just really stared at her forever. When she got up to eat it was so sweet because Brek got up too and we sat in the living room together and tried to get her to eat when all she wanted to do was sleep. I had to set my alarm every 3 hours because if I didn't Lucie would sleep forever.

We have my fancy camera and as I am going through all gazillion pictures of her most of them are with our phones. We need to be better at using the big camera!

Some other events that week were

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Going out for the first time to Grandma and Grandpa Carter's house

Going to the Doctor for her 2 day check-up and she was tiny still. She dropped to about 5.14 at the hospital and by the dr appointment she had got back up to exactly 6.

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She still was not interested in eating and we sometimes had to strip the poor thing down to her diaper just to get her to eat for 8 minutes. All she wanted to do was sleep!

trying tummy time out

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lots and lots of snuggling and sleeping

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and pictures galore! When she hit one week we had a little photo shoot and we just think she is the cutest babe around!

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We both agree that it was the best week ever! We love our little Lucie Lou!

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