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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Millie You Did It!

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{We matched}

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May 23 our Mil graduated High School!

Liv and Erika planned the cutest party for the graduates Will and Millie. They went all out and made it so cute! The Carters and Evans have had quite a few parties together and this one was another great one to add to the list! The weather actually turned out pretty good and we got to celebrate outside! I was sooo excited to have a party it has felt like it has been forever since we had one! The food was delicious and everyone had such a great time!

Brek was so tired from school, and Luc needed a nap, so they both passed out on the couch.

The photo booth was hilarious and everyone had so much fun making funny faces and playing with the props.

The boys flocked to the tramp and pretty soon almost everyone was involved in the game "trip" we have played this game since we got our first tramp when I was probably 5. They made up their own version this time and it looked a little intense for me. But watching everyone play made me so grateful to be there and part of it all! I am my happiest when I am surrounded by family and friends and just having that feeling like there is nothing better in the world!

We all got ready really fast and headed to graduation. Brek continues to the luckiest guy in the world and got a front row parking spot, so we just walked right in! This was the first time Madison held graduation at night so I was a little worried how Lucie was going to do because it was right when bedtime usually is. Being the party girl she is she did awesome! She just looked around and enjoyed everything going on!

She loved the after party too! Watching everyone take pictures was the greatest thing she thought. She smiled for everyone that talked to her, just not the camera. She lasted there for quite a while, but then she hit her limit. we took a few more pics with our graduate and headed home to get ready for bed!

We are finding out that the little miss LOVES a party and did such a good job!

It was such a fabulous day! We are so proud of you Mil!

1 comment:

9 Crazy Carters in the Coop said...

Abs you captured EVERYTHING perfectly! I love all the pictures! I love all your descriptions! You did such a great job! It was a perfect day! I loved your post!
I love you